Ballard doesn’t have a lot of trees. Some other areas in Seattle have giant old trees making foliage tunnels over the streets adding charm and grandeur to the neighborhood walks.
Fortunately the City of Seattle has been planting trees around my neighborhood through its Community Tree Program. It will be many years until they are large enough to give the street that established look but it’s a step in the right direction.
What is super is that the City will actually water these trees. The trees get bags put on the base of them that get filled up regularly by City workers. If you want more trees in your neighborhood you can call 684-TREE (8733). Ideally the City would like to plant 100 trees within a four to five square block area but even if just you or couple neighbors want trees it is worth a call. The City also has a reLeaf program if you want trees for other places in your yard. You can peruse the available trees on the website. A permit is required for tree planting and please think about where you are planting that tree! Some tips are: Think about the future height of the tree and it’s placement, are there power lines? Do not plant too close to your home, the tree will get bigger and wider! Probably not a good idea to plant it too close or on top of your sewer line.