Did you make any New Year’s resolutions? I did, the ‘scariest’ of which is running that Seattle Rock n’ Roll Half Marathon in June. I say scary because although I have signed up for one before, I never was able to run it due to a hurt Achilles tendon. Oh yeah, there was the other time I signed up for Seattle half marathon and didn’t go because it was too cold… it was November and snowing guys!
This year, in between open houses and home showings, you will likely find me on the path at Greenlake. Do you have any favorite running trails? I would love to check out some other ones in or near the City. Anybody want to make a running date sometime? Keep in mind I am full-on beginner at this point, slow-as-molasses, run-walk-run-walk, you get it. But as with everything, I know it takes time. Happy New Year everyone and I hope your resolutions get resolved!