News, Advice & Musings

Building a Deck in Seattle
Cedar Deck in Our Seattle Back YardGo ahead, have deck envy! We just finished the cedar deck in…

Investing in Real Estate is Not a Fantasy
It’s a great time to buy real estate as an investment. There, I said it. Now bring on…

Six Things to Consider When Buying a Family …
Oh Red Wagon... where do I store thee?I work with a lot of young families looking to purchase…

Another Great Neighborhood Park - Ross Playground in …
Jungle Gym at Ross Playground in BallardWhat do parks have to do with real estate? Well, everything! Many…

Seattle Now Requires Rental Property Registration and Inspections
Sad day for Seattle slum lords. Seattle City Council just passed a law (adding a new Chapter 22.214…

FREE Events. Another Reason I love Seattle
The orchard next to the playground at the Good Shepard Center in Wallingford - Home to many of…